MCi achieves Level 1 B-BBEE Status for the Second Consecutive Year

MCI Consultants, a leading provider of software solutions to medium and large-sized corporations, is proud to announce it has once again achieved a Level 1 B-BBEE rating for a second consecutive year.

“Our team has worked very hard to keep our rating, and naturally we are very proud of receiving a Level 1 Contribution Status for the 2019/2020 assessment period.” says MCI Director Aliki Droussiotis.

Having achieved a total of 121.11 out of a target score of 130, MCI’s commitment to empowerment in South Africa includes investment into staff training, external bursaries as well as investments in enterprise and supplier development.

“This accomplishment comes at a time when our economy is faced with many challenges and it demonstrates how serious we are about being part of the transformation of South Africa and its people” continued Droussiotis. “We are very proud of our achievement!”

For more information, please contact Aliki Droussiotis, MCI tel: (011) 454 3420.